Child like faith, what does it mean?
It means to believe sight unseen.
Have you ever seen Jesus, in person face to face?
To do that, you would have to be in another place.
We believe in Him, though His face we've never seen.
But that day is coming soon, make sure your slate is clean.
All the proof I need, is right there in the Book.
The only one we need to read, The Bible, take a look.
A Man so full of love, He gave His very life,
To cleanse us all from sin, and give us eternal life.
How unbelievable it sounds, that such a Man could exist.
But my friend it's all true, when He comes back to save His people
will you be on His list?
He is the only way to Heaven, there is no other way.
Some may tell you differently, don't believe a word they say.
Only those who truly believe and accept Him with a pure heart
Will be going to live in heaven with Him, when from this world, they depart.
No matter how many good deeds you've done or how many people you touch
Without Jesus Christ as your Savior it won't add up to much.
So find your child like faith and believe that it is true.
Jesus is our Lord and Savior on that cross He died for me and you.
Written by:
Rebecca Snuffer 11/26/08