Sunday, November 27, 2011


Prayer is essential to Christians
as the air we breathe.
The Lord has knit us together,
our heartstrings He does weave.

We are one big family
all children of God.
Let us always be in prayer for each other
while on this earth we trod.
There is great power in prayer
shinning brighter than the sun.
But ever greater still
when we pray together as one.

Let us gather together
in fellowship and prayer.
For Jesus has said that where two or more meet in His name,
He will also be there.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

Be Still

My child I have invited you 
to come to Me in prayer.
Remember when you do,
I'll always meet you there.

Prayer is not one sided,
I like to talk to you just the same.
So pause for a while 
before you close in My name.

Think of it as a conversation
not just a wish list of concerns.
We both have lots to say
so let us both take turns.

My child I love you dearly
and each day you do My will.
So take some time when you pray each day
to be quiet and just be still.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

Quiet Time

Turn down the noises and distractions of your day.
Go into your prayer closet, set your mind upon Him and pray.

Take some special time to speak to the Lord in your quiet space.
These intimate times with God are priceless, 
putting a song in your heart and a smile upon your face.

It's just you and the Lord there together heart to heart.
Close your eyes, clear your mind, quiet your soul before you start.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

You're Invited

There is an invitation
that is written on your heart.
God is the author He is waiting to hear from you
now is the time to start.

He is waiting patiently
to hear about your day
Treasuring every word in your heart
before you even say.

So take your time and set your heart
and mind upon Him now.
The Holy Spirit is here to help you
when you're not sure what to say or how.
Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

Preparing for Rain

Our prayers are seeds we plant
in times of happiness and pain.
While waiting for our seeds to grow
we must prepare for rain.

The anticipation while we wait upon the Lord
is at times hard to bear.
But when the time is right
His plans for us He will share.

Though we would all like a quick answer to our requests
the timing is not up to us.
We must remain faithful in our prayers
in Christ alone put our hope and trust.

And when the time is just right
His answer will come in bloom
.For His timing is always perfect
never too late, and never too soon.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

Christ Alone

A debt paid in full, one I could not satisfy.
This the very reason my Savior had to die.

Upon His head a crown of thorns
carried His cross through a crowd that scorns.

Without hesitation He gave His life for me.
Without a second thought His sacrifice had set me free.

A debt I could not pay, a sin I could not erase.
Only Christ alone could save the human race.

To reconcile us with The Father
His only Son was crucified.
He became our sin 
and with Him our sin that day had died.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

Just Me and My Jesus

Well Lord it's just You and me
here in this peaceful place.
I hear Your voice, I feel Your touch
and soon shall I see Your face.
I have set aside all my worries and fears
my faith no longer sways.
I've put all my trust, my hope, my life in Your hands
now and for the rest of my days.

Revive me with Your Spirit 
within my heart ignite Your fire.
May I always walk in Your way, Your light,
Your truth and not grow weary or tire.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer


Rid Me of Myself

Lord fill my heart with Your love
and rid me of myself
Don't let me forget that I am Yours
help me not to put Your love and grace on a shelf.

Jesus guide me and show me how
to give with a gracious heart.
Use me and  my life to do Your work
Lord help me to do my part.

Lord I surrender all of me 
and all I have to You right now.
My life is not my own, nor anything I have on earth
help me to give it all to You somehow.

Help me to empty my heart
so that You may dwell within.
With You on my side, taking care of me
Lord there is no battle I won't win.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

Tests of Faith

Though the trials may be many
and some days may seem so long.
We shall not grow weary
for in the Lord we grow strong.

Through tribulations and temptations
oh I'm sure there will be some.
With Jesus on our side,
Praise Him! We shall overcome!

We never walk alone,
with Jesus always by our side.
Our Lord, our Savior, our Comforter
may He always be our guide.

So when those seas grow stormy
may He overflow your cup.
Just remember when you're feeling down
the only way to look is up.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

The Battle Within

Lord give me the strength
to fight through these stormy seas
Lord only You can heal my sickness,
cure me from this disease.

These things I don't want to do,
I seem to do anyway
Take control of my life, my actions, my heart,
so that I may live with You someday.

Lord all I want to do
is to please You and show others Your love.
Lord You reign on high
over all here on earth and above.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer


Lord help me stay true
to obey Your every command.
Help me to remember You are my steady rock
all others are sinking sand.

Give me strength and courage
and just the right words to say.
Lord help me reach out
to another lost soul today.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit
to guide me through my time here on earth.
My comforter, my teacher, my intercessor,
of unfathomable worth.

Apart from You I am nothing
I need Your help everyday.
Without You I would be lost 
Praise be to God, for showing me the way.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

A Plea

My friend the end is near
so it's time for you to decide.
I pray you'll make the right choice
and join me on the other side.

Will you take Him as your Lord and Savior?
I pray that you will say yes.
It's all or nothing, no in-between
no maybe or I guess.

I love you and I pray for you,
that He will touch your heart somehow.
Things could be so much easier for you with Christ in your life
the time to be saved is now.

His love for you is so complete, 
genuine and true,
Won't you accept His mercy and grace
believe He died for you.

Don't be fooled by all the lies
that come straight out of hell
Instead read about the truth, the life and the way
to free you from sin's cell.

I cannot make you choose Him,
but you don't have to do it alone.
Just open up your heart to Him
He will save you, and make you His own.

My dear I have been burdened
by this love I have for you.
God has put in on my heart 
to hold your hand and see you through.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer
For Ruthie <3

In Good Hands

Please try not to worry
you're in good hands tonight.
You may feel as though you walk this journey alone
but my dear He holds you tight.

Just look to Him for He's always there
no matter how far away He feels.
Your love, your trust, your faith in Him
His work in your life reveals.

Please know that we're praying for you
we care for you so much.
I pray for Him to comfort you
I pray you feel his touch.

I know that you have faith in Him
and love for Him so true.
Just let Him take control
He will take care of you.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer
For Liz

Behold this Little One ( A Christmas poem)

Behold this Little One
so fragile and small
One day He shall be the only Son
that can save us all.

Behold this Little One
who was foretold of before His birth
Behold this Little One
who is God in the flesh on earth.

Behold this Little One
who brings joy to all who believe
Behold this Little One
and the great things He will achieve.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Forever Love

Others may try to break me
Turn their backs and put me down.
But no matter what happens I know You're by my side
The only true King worthy of many crowns.

Because I know Your love for me
Will always remain true.
I found forever love
And I found that love in You.

Even though I'm far from perfect
You don't expect me to be.
This is who I am, please take and mold me
Into who you want me to be.

From this moment forward I'm all Yours
My life, my heart, my soul.
You gave Your life to cleanse me of all my wrong
Redeem me and make me whole.

My eyes, my heart, all of me
Is fixed on You now.
Don't know why it's taken me this long
I knew I'd get here somehow.

You pulled me through the darkness
When I was lost You showed me the way.
And for all You've done I'm grateful
More than words can ever say.

Written by:
Rebecca Snuffer  1/27/09

Rebirth in Him

I have a story to tell you
And I know it very well
What I'm about to tell you
Is not fiction or fairytale.

I always believed in God
And that Jesus died to save us from sin.
But there was still something I was looking for
Until I breathed Him in.

Now I truly feel the peace
That He has given me.
He lives inside my heart
And that's where He will always be.

So many things have changed in my life
In such a short time.
What a whirlwind discovery
When I felt for the first time
That Salvation is mine!

I was filled with an energy
Only He could provide.
He filled my heart with gladness
And I felt Him by my side.

I will never forget that day it happened
I was reborn in this Savior of mine.
It's as if I was dead before
And Now I am living for the first time.

He placed a smile upon my face
That I have never felt before.
And when I awoke the next morning
It was still there, not knowing what the day had instore

Now when He talks I listen
And I see much clearer now.
Everything around me all He has done in my life
Now I know how.

I am filled with hunger
To draw closer to Him each day.
And to study God's word
And praise Him in every way.

Written by:
Rebecca Snuffer   1/22/09

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Everybody needs Christ

Just when you think it's over,
You're at the end of your rope.
Look only to Jesus Christ our Savior
In Him there is forever hope.

He is always there
And has given us eternal life.
He loves you and me
Through happiness and strife.

The only way to happiness
Is through Him
So let your light shine for Jesus
May it never grow dim

No matter what you have 
here on this earth.
It is only Him that matters
All other things have no worth.

Everyone needs Christ
As the flowers need water and the sun.
We all need Jesus Christ in our life.
 You must know He is the only one.

 Written by:
Rebecca Snuffer  12/08

Monday, November 14, 2011

I believe in Miracles

The miracle of life
The mystery of death.
The miracle of how
We take each and every breath.

Do you believe in miracles?
I surely do.
God sent His only Son to be born of a virgin
This I know is true.

Some may say they can't believe
What science cannot explain
But I don't need a scientist to prove
Any miracle that has taken away my pain.

Written by:
Rebecca Snuffer

Child Like Faith

                        Child like faith, what does it mean?
                         It means to believe sight unseen.

                         Have you ever seen Jesus, in person face to face?
                         To do that, you would have to be in another place.

                          We believe in Him, though His face we've never seen.
                           But that day is coming soon, make sure your slate is clean.

                           All the proof I need, is right there in the Book.
                           The only one we need to read, The Bible, take a look.

                            A Man so full of love, He gave His very life,
                            To cleanse us all from sin, and give us eternal life.

                            How unbelievable it sounds, that such a Man could exist.
                            But my friend it's all true, when He comes back to save His people
                            will you be on His list?

                            He is the only way to Heaven, there is no other way.
                            Some may tell you differently, don't believe a word they say.

                            Only those who truly believe and accept Him with a pure heart
                             Will be going to live in heaven with Him, when from this world, they depart.

                             No matter how many good deeds you've done or how many people you touch
                             Without Jesus Christ as your Savior it won't add up to much.

                              So find your child like faith and believe that it is true.
                              Jesus is our Lord and Savior on that cross He died for me and you.

                                                                                                              Written by:
                                                                                                         Rebecca Snuffer 11/26/08