Friday, March 15, 2013

Why the shepherds first?

As the lowly shepherds
 lay keeping their sheep.
An Angel of the Lord appeared,
 Come worship the Savior
a babe in peaceful sleep.

Why the shepherds first?
Why not someone of more authority?
Christ alone came for all mankind
Not one has greater priority.

Who better to be the first to arrive?
After all, Christ is the Lamb of God.
Who better to kneel at His side, 
but those who believed ,
though to others it may have seemed odd.

For in the Kingdom of Heaven, 
the last shall be first and first shall be last
Lord make me as a lowly shepherd
 help me to put You first,
 and my selfish ways last.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

Repent and turn to Jesus

Repent and turn to Jesus,
for the time is drawing near.
Let those with eyes to see
and those with ears to hear.

Repent and turn to Jesus
leave your sins in the past.
Accept Him while there is still time,
for that time is fading fast!

Repent and turn to Jesus
He is waiting for you, a Child of God to be
He has always been right there 
just open your eyes to see.

Repent and turn to Jesus 
My plea to you, I pray
Repent and turn to Jesus
For He IS the ONLY way!

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

The War is already won..but the battle rages on

The war has already been won,
The Victor, God's only Son.

Yet the enemy continues to attack us
every hour of ever day.
But, God is for us and He defends us
against satan's every way.

His Word like a double-edged sword,
My faith a shield
Yet my greatest defense against the enemy
comes, when all my heart and soul to Christ I yield.

Without the Lord I am nothing,
Can do nothing am powerless against temptation
But through Him I can do anything
in Him I have Salvation.

Written By:  Rebecca Snuffer

To Breathe the Air of Heaven

To breathe the air of Heaven
To feel the refreshing breath of Lord
breathing life into my soul.

I am alive in Him now.
I see Him clearly now.
I hear Him speak to me.

To breathe that precious air of my Savior
So easy to breathe,
cherishing every moment.

Written By:  Rebecca Snuffer

Friday, February 22, 2013

Far from home...but HE never left

This poem is a two part poem.  The first part is a prayer to God and the second is His response.

(my prayer)

Why do I feel so disconnected
as if someone pulled the plug?
I want to come running back
yet I cant seem to move faster than a slug.

Feeling so far away, I just don't understand.
I need to fall all my knees ,
yet still alone I stand.

Where did I go wrong?
How did I get so far away?
I don't remember when I took that first step
all I know is that one step,  I took
led me astray.

Do I not know You as well as I thought I had?
So disappointed in my selfish heart
was I wrong when I thought my faith in You
was iron clad?

I know You have never left me,
You have been here all along.
Why does it seem so few steps to walk away
yet to come back home seems so long?

(His answer)

My child no matter how far 
you feel you have gone
stop your wandering thoughts
and see you've never left home.

Though you may feel alone and powerless
overcome with guilt and sorrow
Lift up your heart to Me
and begin a new tomorrow.

You're never too far away
from My protective hand and loving heart
Stop looking back wondering what went wrong
instead look to Me let me erase your pain and give you
a fresh start.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

What you leave behind

We all have a responsibility
and I truly believe it is so
Its not what you take with you to heaven
but what you leave behind when you go.

What will be your legacy 
when people think of you?
Will they know you had the Lord in your heart
and to His word you remained true?

Did you leave the light and loveof Jesus
in your children's hearts and minds?
Did you show them what He has done for us
read them the Bible, for all their questions
the answers they can find.

Did you teach them when times get tough
and you feel like giving in
that's when you know you've grown closer to His love
and He's on your side to win.

When temptation to do wrong
grows stronger everyday
just stay steadfast in His love
get on your knees and pray.

Make sure your loved ones know
all about Jesus and His love
so someday when it comes their time
you will all meet again in His kingdom above

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer

How to Pray

Jesus taught us how to pray
but how often we forget
we need to praise Him first in prayer
before our needs are met.

Start by saying thank You Lord
for all that You have given
Help me to remember to forgive
 and be forgiven.

Now its time to ask for help 
and ask for His protection
Just simply ask for Him to lead you 
in the right direction.

Obey His word and praise His name
every single day
But don't forget to feel in your heart
your words before you pray.

Know He is always there for us
just ask and you shall receive
The Lord works in mysterious ways
just praise Him and believe.

Written by: Rebecca Snuffer

Trust in Him

Praise the Lord for this day that is given
stop the worry and just start livin'.

Just give Him your needs and concerns
and look forward to the day He returns.

For He loves us all deep down inside
He was there when you laughed,
He has held you when you've cried.

You can find all the answers to your troubles and woes
Just trust in Him, for He already knows.

Just seek Him out He is always there for us.
Just praise Him,
and in Him alone you must trust.

Written by:  Rebecca Snuffer
